Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Real Estate in Tallahassee

What is happening with Zillow?  In just a week or so, listings that you are used to viewing on your favorite site may not be there.

This is due to the 'feed' being removed my Listhub.  The benefit to the consumer is they can go directly to their very own real estate agent, like myself, and ask what is available today.

Zillow gets a feed from our mls.  Listhub, owned by the renowned Rupert Murdoch, is cutting the feed.  He doesn't want to help his competition.  He wants you to go to Realtor.com.  

I want you to come to me.  None of the feeds are 100% accurate because they don't post to the minute.  This means that one minute a house can be available and "on the market" and the next minute - "under contract" or "contingent" and not available.  

Why do you have a realtor if not to ask what is available RIGHT NOW!  

So, call me and ask me what is available.  I am happy to be your "feed" and give you up to the minute information.  Just ask!

Call us, we're nice!